To the right of this page (or scroll to bottom for mobile apps) are upcoming events for 2020. Most book-signing events include readings from my new book, stories, or interviews. Check for details, and please join me!
Contact us if you have a performance proposal for your theatre - [email protected].
Past appearances from 2011-2016 moved and archived to here.
Please tell me, are you the voiceover actor for the discover card commercials? If not, it sounds like you. Thanks, can’t find the info anywhere.
Dear Jull
Yes, I have done the voice on some Discover commercials. It has been a lot of fun working with them.
Your voice is your passport.
I noticed the same thing, when you said ” Ned the Head ” in one of the more recent Discover voice overs.
GD namedrop, classic.
And you kill on Californication.
Recognize your voice anywhere and your podcast is just perfect. Thanks!
Just saw the Discover commercial. If Tobo voiced all commercials, I might actually watch them.
[…] http://stephentobolowsky.wordpress.com/where-can-i-see-this-guy/ […]
Ireland / UK / Europe in the cards?
Not yet…
what about the new Amazon commercial?
I am really anxious to know if the new Amazon Kindle Fire HD Commercial is Stephen Tobolowsky as well. I think it’s Stephen, my husband says it’s not. I can’t find the information anywhere and it’s making me crazy!
No, not me on Kindle Fire.
I want to know this one, too! My husband and I keep arguing about it.
Will there be an opening act of any kind or will you be starting promptly at 8 PM for the show in Seattle on Oct. 13th? I have tickets to an event earlier that day and that will help me know if I can make it in time to see your performance. Thanks
It was great seeing you again after all these years. Have followed your post-Oak Cliff career closely. Congratulations on a wonderful, entertaining book. Brought back many memories of the areas and places where I also grew up. Hope to see you again soon.
Thank you James!
Do we bring our own book for signing, or purchase there (Seattle)?! See ya there!
There will be books for sale (via Barnes and Noble I believe), or if you already have one, you can bring that too and I will be happy to sign!
Thanky, thanky! Now the dilemma – print book or audio book?! Ur DAC podcast, and book, reminds me of adventures with salamanders and garter snakes in SE MN…and the snakes escaping in the garage. Although I now know they couldn’t climb rafters, nor would they want to – I never played in that garage again!
Yes, curious about the voice of the Discover Card 5% cash back commercial. Sounds like Jim Parsons to me but apparently it’s you…true?
If you do a book reading / signing within 120 miles of Atlanta . . . I will be first in line
Hi Stephen! Just heard your new podcast mini-sode. In it you said you would be coming to San Francisco, but it’s not on the list above (yet?). My boyfriend and I would love to see you as we are huge fans of the podcast. We’re wishing you luck on your press tour!
Any chance of coming to Chicago? My wife would probably buy you an Italian beef.
Been home about an hour after the Seattle show. What a wonderful evening. Thanks, Stephen!! Best of luck to you and all involved as the book tour continues….
Thank you. David and I had a great time. Doing the live shows aren’t easy but the audiences in Seattle are a good reason to continue.
Are you coming to GA with your book tour? I am about 45 minutes south of Atlanta and would love to be first in line!
I’d like to take my dad to see your show but we live in Vancouver, BC. Will you be doing another show in Seattle soon?
I missed your Seattle appearance but this has given me a great excuse to attend the Live Wire show in Portland on 12/15. I am wondering if signed copies of your book will be available at the show? If not I will order one through the web site.
Happy holidays to you and your family!
Dear Cat
I am under the impression copies of the book will be there. If not I will bring a few to sign…
Hi Stephen,
Trying to find more information for this Sunday’s appearance at the Shomrei Torah Synagogue. Can you point me in the right direction? I’d love to come by and hear you speak!!
Dear Sarah
I will be part of a panel on writing, acting, music, Judaism and creativity. The panel is at 5PM followed by music and lighting Hanukkah lights afterwards. Here is the website for events that day. http://www.limmudla.org/172.html
Waiting somewhat patiently for you to come to Chicago.
Hey Tobo~
Loved your recent appearance on The Dana Gould Hour. Will your tour dates on the calendar to the right be updated? I’m wondering if you’ll be coming to the Portland, OR area anytime in the near future, and if so where and will I be able/have to buy tickets? Love the inspirational work you do.
Dear Jason
The short answer is Yes. I have a couple venues in Portland that are likely. Long answer is I don’t know when. I will try to get there before I have to start shooting at the end of May. If not it will have to be in June. More later.
Hi Stephen,
Been an avid listener of the podcast since the beginning.
Am constantly surprised by how blown away I am by your stories and the lessons and inspirations you draw from these.
I gave my wife some of your podcasts to listen to and she said to me – no, ‘I hear his voice and immediately think of Ned Ryerson in Groundhog Day, and can’t hear beyond that.’
Perhaps that’s part of my constant amazement. Maybe it’s the characters you’ve played getting mixed up with the person you are.
But, just wanted to say thanks for your wisdom and the beauty and poignance of your stories.
Gotta go and get the books now.
Andrew (from Australia – P.S. would love to see you in Australia too.)
personal statement of faith examples
Patrick, my books have tons of them – but – are you asking for examples of things in my life that confirm my faith in God? or faith in myself? or faith in man? I am not trying to play with words but I tend to think of faith as different from belief. Belief is a set of ideas we hold to as “true.” “Faith” I see as a unit of time – how long can I hold on to this belief? What evidence do I have I that this belief is true. Many people “believe” they can be an actor. After many disappointments they lose “faith.”
I have seen the unexplainable, the good, and the miraculous in my life. That confirms my belief in God. I continue to have faith. I “feel” the presence of God constantly. I see wisdom as a gift from God.
Faith in myself? I have continued to work hard at what I love. So I still have faith in what I am doing.
Faith in man? You lost me.
It was terrific to see you last week at SHARKIES.
I’m putting links to all my teachers and schools on my website. May I link to your page?
Bill Bingham
Please do!!!