The entire back catalog of The Tobolowsky Files is now available for free download on Apple Podcasts or here.
Stephen shares true stories about life, love, and the entertainment industry. The stories are funny, profound, and moving. In his lifetime, Tobolowsky has played guitar with Stevie Ray Vaughn, broken his neck riding a horse in Iceland, and went to get a pizza in a tornado - not to mention the fact that he’s worked with directors like Harold Ramis, Christopher Nolan, Paul Verhoeven, and Ridley Scott, to name a few.
In the early days of the podcast, thanks to Program Director Jeff Hansen, it was broadcast Sundays on KUOW in Seattle, WA. WFPL in Louisville, KY also presented the Tobolowsky Files as part of their schedule.
The Tobolowsky Files on Apple Podcasts
The Tobolowsky Files at tobolowskyfiles.com
Check out our new YouTube channel to video versions of Stephen's stories!
By Request: Music Playlist for The Tobolowsky Files
I’m sorry to ask such a question, but – why isn’t the first episode available via iTunes? Is there a way to download the first episode? I’m afraid that I’ve gotten hooked on the show and am being a completist about it.
Thanks so much for the stories and the perspective.
Dear Jeff,
We had a technical glitch of downloading the stories on to iTunes for about two months last year. David Chen worked away at various remedies. In the end we were able to transfer 40 stories over to iTunes. We were on episode 41 at the time so we left off Episode One which was a shame. It told David now that we have the transfer issues solved I should redo episode one and expand it to the current podcast size of around 45 minutes. The name of the show was A memory of two Halloweens – or the more sensational Sex Death and Halloween. It is good for a redo because the stories that are coming up in the next episodes also harken back to one of the events I talk about in the story.
Hi Stephen,
I recently discovered your podcast after hearing your appearance on Bullseye. I immediately subscribed and have very much enjoyed the first few episodes I’ve listened to. However, similar to Jeff’s problem above, I’m only able to download episodes 50-59 on iTunes. Is there another source where I can get episodes 1-50?
Season’s Greetings Stephen!
I’m a huge fan of your acting, STBP, and of the TF podcast. Like Jeff, I’m a completist, and speaking for myself (and maybe a few of your fans), I’d really appreciate it if you and David would make the original first (“lost”) episode available -alongside the (“son of”) remake, which I’m eagerly anticipating. There’s just something about overwriting the first episode that just feels wrong.
Keep up the great work and all the best to both you and David and your families -Happy Chanukah, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!
I stumbled across the Tobolowsky Files one recent Sunday while listening to WFPL in Louisville, KY. I became an instant fan and have since listened to many of your podcasts usually as my bedtime story. Great work…You move my life forward. When you get finished in Seatle, head east to Louisville and do a live show.
LOVE the Tobolowsky Files! Also listening in Louisville. I do a lot of commuting around the midwest and got hooked to your show while driving to and from my college teaching position in Western Indiana. When the WFPL signal starts getting weak I simply switch to the NPR application on my iPhone to listen. Got to love technology! Keep up the great work and best wishes in 2012!
Stephen, I just listened to the Time Traveling story in the kitchen with the lights turned off, watching our first serious snow fly in the alley light. I wanted to call my sweetheart to listen too, but was so riveted I couldn’t move…he is home reading the book I just gave him. He loves it and you might too: The World in Six Songs: How the Musical Brain Created Human Nature by Daniel Levitin.
Grateful in Louisville,
Dear Stephen,
I too listen to the Tobolowski files every week on WFPL in Louisville. Sooo enjoyable. You are such a gifted storyteller. I also think you should do a live show here in Louisville next. Just wanted to drop a line and let you know how much you are appreciated here.
Amanda G
I just wanted to jump in here and say that being associated with Stephen via Ned Ryerson is one of the great honors of my career. And the Tobolowsky Files are really special as this amazing mind unfolds in front of our ears.
But you mentioned Groundhog Day and I thought you might like to learn more background and behind the scenes stuff – things even Stephen doesn’t know.
Check it out:
How To Write Groundhog Day.
And while you’re at it, have a happy Groundhog Day, everyone!
You are such and excellent writer, communicator, storyteller. I love your show.
First let thank you for your stories. I just started to listen to them on my local NPR station, KUOW here in Seattle, WA.
I enjoy them very, very much.
On March 4th, 2012 I listened to a story that the station director called #31. In this episode the main character speaks of how his Mother described her perspective on life. She says that life is flying ‘up’. Her words seemed so eloquent, simple and complete.
I tried to contact the station about getting a transcript of the show and they guided me to a website. The site however, did not list the episodes by the #31 and therefore could not be located/downloaded.
Would it be possible for you or one of your staff forward the site(s) and official episode title where I can buy a copy.
I thank you in advance.
A new fan,
Michael Ramey
Dear Michael
That story is called “The City of Illusions.” It is downloadable on iTunes or at /film.com for free. On iTunes you have to go to the STORE write in Tobolowsky Files. Hit “Subscribe” which is totally free. Then you can download any story you want. The KUOW versions are longer but the part you want is there. Enjoy.
Stephen Tobolowsky
Thank you for your quick response.
I’ll download it tonight and listen to the episode again tomorrow.
[…] Those of you who know us well will already know that Chris and Jaime have been followers of The Tobolowsky Files since around about the time we started dating. In fact the podcast started airing shortly after we got together. We are huge fans. Stephen Tobolowsky is a gifted storyteller and we very much enjoy hearing his stories about “life, love & the entertainment industry” […]
Stephen, I played all 3 parts of your heart surgery podcast for my 88 year old Dad who recently had the same operation. It was so good to see him riveted, laughing, and able to open up to us about things he never thought anyone else understood. Thank you so much for sharing this. My Dads mind is still sharp, still witty, and you gave him something meaty to dig into.
Janet cervalli
Since Discovercard has chosen to feature a clip of you from ‘Groundhog Day’, hopefully they also offered compensation.
Dear Richard, Discover paid me for doing the voice. I was very happy to see they also used Ned the Head but I don’t think they paid me extra. It was fun.
[…] talking about people like character actor Stephen Tobolowsky, who’s appeared in hundreds of films and TV shows and met almost everyone famous you can […]
Your stories have kept me motivated whilst painting my son’s room. Thank you. I’m a UK fan – any chance you might make it to London someday?
Dear Emma
I will be in the UK in July I think for a Glee autograph show in Birmingham. We may try to cobble together some storytelling events while I am there. I will keep you up to date on this site.
I am a sophomore in high school and I listen to episodes of TF in computer apps classes and during study halls. I don’t care if people think it is nerdy or dweebish, Mr. Tobolowsky is way cooler than they think and they are missing out on much amazingness. Keep telling your stories Mr. Tobolowsky. I am always tuning in at 1 o’clock on Sundays to KUOW to hear Tobolowsky Files. You are now my favorite actor.
Dear Becky
Now you have me worried about all of your classmates who think I’m not cool.
I’ve been listening to this podcast for years now on KUOW and it’s just about my favorite show on the radio. I’d love to buy a CD set full of .mp3s for friends, or some “best of” CDs like _This_ American_Life_ puts out. Would you ever do this? I know I can get them all free from iTunes but sometimes it’s nice to have a physical copy, and I’d like to support these great stories.
Anyway, thanks for making these!
I had always loved your work as an actor before I even knew your name. But listening to your stories is a wonderful experience. I happened upon them one Sunday afternoon and I’ve been hooked ever since. I’m a cynical guy and it’s refreshing to discover that not all people in your industry are assholes. I’ll continue to listen and enjoy every minute! Thank you, Stephen.
My uncle and cousin both stumbled upon your show on WFPL and recommended it to me. I have since been listening to past episodes on iTunes nightly. I, too, would love to hear episode 1 if it were to become available. This podcast has now become my evening filler while crocheting and sometimes as background at work for me too (don’t tell my boss!). Thank you for sharing your stories and for sneaking in your life lessons as well. The teacher in me smiles every time you get to that point in your stories. If your schedule ever allows we would love love LOVE for you to do a live show in the area!
Just heard your longer-than-
usual verion of the tobolosky files on KUOW and loved it !
It was nice to hear you at length. You are the equal of Ira Glass and Garisson Keller… even better than Stewart McClain. You have the perfect voice for your stories… although I wish I hadn’t searched on the internet and seen your picture as my imagined image of you was completely different. Sort of like hearing my first Charlie movie after years of reading the books.
Best Regards,
Ed Wyruchowski
Dear Ed
What is a Charlie movie?
Stephen Tobolowsky
I believe, but I am not a psychic, that Ed is referring to Charlie and the Chocolate factory. Just a guess. We love your show and can’t wait to see you here in Seattle in October! don
Dear Stephen,
I wish you were on YouTube with subtitles for the deaf. I have a good friend who can lip read and would appreciate you as I do. (A transcript wouldn’t do you justice.)
I admit to a growing addiction. Listening to you helped me during a long period of providing hospice care for my father – and now I continue to listen regularly. I didn’t know until today that you are on the radio only in Seattle and Louisville. I’m in Seattle but Louisville is my dad’s home town – and I’m heading there next month to visit family.
Dear Janet
I think that is a great idea. If David and I tour I will see if we can get a translator.
I took my mother to see your show in Seattle for her 80th birthday and she fell in love. I don’t know when I’ve seen her laugh that much! I desperately want to get her a complete Tobolowsky Files set on CD to listen to in her car. Is such a thing available? It would be the best Mother’s Dya gift I could hope for.
Dear Denise
Not Yet. My book of stories will be out in August. My movie where I tell stories is available now on DVD for your mom. Go to STBPMovie.com. It is called “Stephen Tobolowsky’s Birthday Party. I can sign it if you wish. The movie is available NOW. The book August. David Chen and I are negotiating to create audio files of the stories that could be out this summer. Love to your Mom.
Stephen Tobolowsky
I am trying to find the episode where Stephen talks about when a professor who tried to get him kicked out of the theatrical department at school. Can anyone remind which episode that is?
Dear Gabe
That would be “Conference Hour” Episode 13.
Dear Stephen,
I’m on the board of directors at the Station Theatre in Urbana, IL, and I was told by a company member that you once performed in a play here. Any truth to that? If so, I wondered if you could share any recollections you have of your time at the Station. (It’s our 40th anniversary.)
Dear Matthew
I did Story Theater at the Station. We had a blast. We had a wonderful cast and director. The show before us was Godspell. It was always challenging when we performed and we heard a train coming. It was traditional that when the train got too close the actors just froze until the train passed and then the play continued. The actors would hear the rumble about 60 seconds away. During Godspell it was particularly amusing. The actors were near the end of the play. They were carrying Kirk Hard who was playing Jesus on their shoulders when we heard the first rumble in the audience. The actors perked up and tried to finish the play before they had to HOLD for the train. They started running around the stage with Kirk on their shoulders. The train came closer and closer. They reached the end of the song and a little boy in the audience yelled out, ” Momma, are they putting Jesus on the train?” the audience started laughing. The actors just went to a blackout. You couldn’t come back after that.
That’s fantastic. Thank you so much for sharing that.
[…] I downloaded the most recent podcasts from my new favorite storyteller in the whole world — Stephen Tobolowsky. That’s what I played on the home stretch. It was Podcast #55, “The True Arena.” […]
I just listened to the episode featuring Mr. Roberts and the 7 Tornadoes, and I to have memories of Mr. Roberts, though mind may be a little fonder than yours. I enjoyed the podcast quite a bit. In case you have never seen this, here is a You Tube video featuring Mr. Roberts and then news director Paul Davis. http://youtu.be/YE4sNBY_3S4
Dear Mark
I have great memories of Mr. Roberts. He was always no nonsense when it came to the weather. The clip is great to see him smile! I still haven’t heard another weather person called by their last name.
His first name was Wyndham,, which I think explains the preference for “Mr.”
motorna olja
Thanks for your contribution and I will use it for my work research that I am doing for this website.
You will be pleased to know that my family and I listen to you on KUOW all the time. My 12 year old son asked me the other day who Brad Pitt is. You realize of course this means that he knows who you are, but not Brad Pitt. Nuff said.
Wow what a show .Thank you. Now if 94.9 KUOW will pick it up. That will make my day.Keep up the good work and be safe
Dear James,
The people at KUOW are the best. We have a wonderful relationship and we would be no where without Jeff Hanson and the gang.
Hi Stephen
I always enjoy when your face pops up on my screen but was directed to your podcasts through a Top Ten Film Podcast list (they had you at No. 2; one short in my opinon). Anyway, I am catching up with your stories and just listened to your account of your mum to honour her birthday, I forget which episode it is. You made me cry and I’m not a cryer. Ever. But it’s hard not to think of your own mum when you hear your story. Very moving. Thanks man.
This is the most compelling show ever! Although it has been my daily routine for decades to rise at noon and leave my place at 1 PM or so for breakfast and the rest of my day, if I hear the beginning of the Tobolowsky Files on KUOW, I am riveted, unable virtually to move until the end of the hour. As a literary writer, I care greatly about language, character, story. Tobolowsky is amazing because of the way he tells his stories, with himself as the main character but on a theme that is larger than the incidents he relates. Everything in his stories coheres, which I consider a major virtue. I turned a friend in North Carolina on to the Files and she podcasts them and is a major fan. She, too, is a literary writer. Today I heard Part II of the open-heart surgery story, and, as happened during Part I, I laughed and cried. I cannot thank Stephen enough for his gift.
Dear Steven,
I really enjoy your show everytime I catch it on my local station in Seattle. As a former theater major turned ESL instructor, I teach a beginning acting class to non-native speakers of English and am always looking for accessible stories and quotes (and of course scenes) to use in the class. Your account of being an new actor coming to appreciate professionalism from the actor with the feather stuck on his face throughout a performance would be PERFECT. But I can’t seem to find it. Could you tell me the title of that piece? Is it on iTunes?
Thank you for sharing your amazing talents with the world.
Thank you, Stephen. I found out about your podcast after hearing you on KUOW, and I absolutely love the way you tell a story. One of the things I like most is how natural the stories are – they flow from point to point, recollection to recollection, and it happens so naturally. Being a musician, I understand how much work it is to make the difficult seem natural and easy to your audience, so I can appreciate the craft that goes into each one.
Lately, your stories have meant even more to me. My parents are both alive, but they are fading… my father fell last year and sustained a concussion. He recovered – mostly – but he’s fuzzier than he used to be, is easily confused, and struggles to find the right words quite frequently. My mother’s health has been fragile for years, and her arthritis has gotten bad enough that she can barely walk using a walker. It takes three of us to get her back up the steps into her house after one of her appointments. Last week we had to rush her to the ER because she was dangerously anemic. They found and fixed the problem without having to do major surgery, thank goodness.
I find myself increasingly aware of their mortality – that part of me that wants to believe they’ll always be here is getting an unwelcome and firm lesson in the realities of life and aging.
Your stories about your mother and your father are a great source of comfort for me. I’m still going to shed tears, and feel sadness for what’s happening to two formerly very independent people, but your words have helped me see what’s on the other side. Thank you.
Hi Stephen,
I have recently discovered your podcasts and downloaded the first couple that were on iTunes. I have episodes 2 & 3 but when I went back to get the rest they seem to have disappeared. As best as I can see there’s EP5, EP28 & EP50-58. Has another glitch reared it’s ugly head or do iTunes just keep the most recent ones? Is there somewhere I can get the old ones? I listened to Local Hero today while running and absolutely loved it, so any help tracking down the rest would be greatly appreciated. I know I’m a little late to the party but thanks so much for putting these up. I’m really looking forward to my next 56 runs, which is something I thought I’d never say.
Thanks Again
Dear Brian
We are in the middle of transitioning into another venue (hopefully). The podcasts will be available again, in longer form, and will still be free. In the interim they have been taken down from iTunes.
Thanks Stephen
I appreciate the heads up and I’m looking forward to listening to them all when they’re settled into their new home.
I work for an independent film distribution company called Paris MTN Scout, and I would love to interview you for one of our upcoming newsletters. We love your stories and the way that you tell them, and you exemplify that independent spirit that we look for every day. The interview wouldn’t be long, and we could do it over e-mail. Just let me know.
I’m at [email protected]
I’d love to hear from you!
Dear Cameron
Absolutely. No problem. I will have some time this week.
Great! Thank you very much.
All you’ll need to do is send me a private e-mail on my address– [email protected] , and I’ll reply with the questions.
Thanks again!
G’day Stephen,
As you might have decided from my opening I am one of many Australian fan, and I would love to express how much I am looking forward to reading your book. At times I am envious of other towns and even countries that get a chance to see your live shows and it’s a stretch but if you could visit Australia that would send me over the moon.
I have to share with you that I used to have this ritual where every night while putting my infant son to sleep I used to have to walk the floor and cradle him to sleep. To keep my sanity I would listen to your podcast; as the duration seems to fit perfectly with my sons sleeping pattern. As he cried, I would listen to your tales of family, love, and the simplicity of life and it brought me comfort and gave me insights I have never had before. My son is 14 months now, and I must admit there are times where I miss those nights.
Keep up the great work and hopefully one day I will have the pleasure of seeing you live.
You brought up a memory. When my son was a few weeks old he had colic from 6- 10 every night. The only thing that would stop him from crying was the noise and motion of a car. I drove him four hours a night. I kept scripts beside me to read at red lights. I drove all over Southern California. Thanks for the letter
I heard you tell the story about the gunman in the supermarket on NPR, but now I can’t find it to hear it again. What program was it? When? You are just terrific – a model of creativity sailing through unblocked channels. Or so it seems. Thanks.
Stephen…I listened to your story on miracles and how your various films were allegories. One of my favorite of your performances is how you turned $60,000 in cancer drugs into $180,000 as Pharmacist Jim Halliwell on Law & Order Criminal Intent!
Stephen…what happened to the Tobolowsky Files? No new shows in months. Please tell me you’re still doing them!!!
Dear Jeff,
YES. I am still writing the files. David and I will start recording them sin a week or so and they will be out again. We had stopped because of scheduling.I was on my live tour with the book. David was busy at Microsoft. They are on their way.
Dear Stephen,
I discovered your program when I heard episode 28, The Afflictions of Love, while on a road trip last December. When I went to the iTunes store, I found only episodes 50-58. Is there an archive somewhere? I would like to share this with a friend who was recently diagnosed with a rare form of cancer.
Looking forward to your series on PRI!
Dear Joanne, Afflictions is one of the first stories We have done of Public Radio International. It is being played on NPR stations as we speak. because of the contract with PRI – it has been removed from iTunes temporarily. You can try googling the name and see if a station or a version comes up when it is currently on the air. It is going to be in the next book I am doing for Simon and Schuster
I really appreciate the creativity, honesty and LOL humor of you work! Is the Ground Day episode on the web somewhere?
Denis there should be two versions floating around. The podcast version and the longer PRI version. Try googling “The Classic” and see if you can find it. Radio stations are streaming it live now.
Where are the episodes pre 50 to 58? I’ve listened to and loved those and now I want to hear earlier ones! I listen to them as I walk to work through Seattle.
Chekovian pause at Mrs Baird’s
best retelling of their famous tours
lacked only the moment of the bread twister, but a memory easily lost in the steam rising from the loaf
[…] The Tobolowsky Files – Yes, these stories are told by Stephen Tobolowsky (Remember “Ned” from Groundhog’s Day?) The Moth – This is what I was listening to Sunday (if you can handle it, this one in particular pushed me over the edge) Snap Judgement – Stories around a topic or theme […]
[…] on Stephen Tobolowsky you can follow him on Twitter @Tobolowsky, visit his website, or listen to his podcast The Tobolowsky Files. Also, make sure to pick up his book The Dangerous Animals […]
Dear Stephen,
First, I’ve loved The Tobolowsky Files since the very beginning. They have enhanced my life to no end. So I’m super excited to share them with my new Beau. He is going to love you! And I feel rather silly asking about such a nuts and bolts question, but I’m reloading all of The Tobolowsky Files, and cannot find them all. Is there a location I’m not checking? iTunes is carrying only the last 10 and and all of them are so spectacular, and make such a beautiful, when complete, I kinda hate thinking I won’t have them to turn to, or to share… Maybe I should ask David? I know you’re so very busy these days, and I really love your work. Thank you so much, Sir.
More files are on the way. New and some of the old ones as well.
Thank you, and YAAAAYYYYYYYYYY!!!!! 🙂
[…] and Ramis have also done. BING! By the way, do yourself a favor and download the entirity of the Tobolowsky Files. It is some of the best storytelling in all of podcastdom. That is a word. It will be when I […]
Stephen, just a big thank you from a latecomer to your podcasts. Stepped in at Episode 51 and you got me absolutely addicted. As a Dutchman, I might not have had sufficient immersion in American culture to fully appreciate references made to e.g. films, plays, actors, directors, I find that the stories provide some universal messages, without being preachy and with a good sense of humour. I’ll find a way to get all the podcasts by following up on the suggestions made elsewhere in this thread.
I’ve recently become addicted to The Tobolowsky Files. I went to itunes to download everything form 50 and back but they aren’t there! Am I just doing something wrong or looking in the wrong place? I would love to here everything from the beginning. PLEASE advise!
Dear Bryan, The first twenty five are encapsulated in the audio book of The Dangerous Animals Club. Simon and Schuster had me pull those. Those are downloadable through Audible.com…the others may be a part of a national radio show. PRI is wanting to sponsor the Tobolowsky Files. Until we see what they want to do those stories are down temporarily. I do think there are some pirated versions floating around the internet for download 🙂
I found The Dangerous Animals Club at the library. It had an interesting title, so I took it home. I laughed through the first few chapters before finding out that you’re an actor. Then I checked out your picture – and realized I always enjoyed your acting, too.
I read the rest of the book thinking all the while that I should somehow write to you and tell you that even though I’ve read dozens, if not hundreds, of autobiographies, your work is one of the best, if not THE best, nonfiction book I’ve ever read. Your writing is not only wildly entertaining and loaded with great imagery, but wise beyond your years. I LOVE YOUR BOOK, and plan to share it with everyone I know.
I found this page while trying to email you and I found all this stuff about Tobolowsky Files and podcasts. I have no idea what a podcast is, or how to download one, but I’m off to find out. MORE Tobolowsky is even better. Thank you for sharing your life with all of us.
Dear Stephen,
I hopped over after listening to an interview you did a while back on TBTL. At this point in time I can’t find anything on itunes except the 11 most recent episodes. Is there anywhere alse I can find the rest? I’d really like to listen in order.
Dear Angela
We may have a break through on getting the other episodes out. Soon.
My goodness. I just discovered this podcast from (I hope you don’t mind me referencing them) The Morning Stream podcast. What an amazing storyteller! I have 2 questions that hopefully someone can answer.
1) The earliest episode I can find is something like 41. Can I find the earlier episodes somewhere?
2) Is there some sort of list of the music that is played throughout the episodes? Some of that stuff is absolutely amazing.
[…] heard anyone say about comedy and comedy writing in, well, pretty much ever. I think I’ll add The Tobolowsky Files to the growing list of podcasts I subscribe to but can’t keep up […]
Mr. Tobolowksy,
I have been a fan of your podcast since the very beginning. Your podcast on KUOW 94.9 is one of the things that brings us together. It is something we connect on. He doesn’t talk much but after listening to one of your episodes we chat for a while on the topics in that episode. Thank you for unknowingly making a way for my father and I to connect. I am a solid fan of you, your work, and your podcast. I promote it to my friends. I am a girl and a soon to be senior in high school who is obsessed with a character actor people see and think “Huh, I know that guy from somewhere.”
I also must tell you, my dad has about as much hair you do. I think that’s cool.
Can’t wait for your next episode!!
Dear Kari,
Thank you. i want you to know something…about your dad’s hair – he EARNED it. That baldness doesn’t come easy. It takes a lot of worry, a lot of hope, a lot of fear, and a certain genetic component to make the magic happen. More stories on the way.
I can only find episodes 53 – 59 on ITunes. Where do I find 1- 52?
Here is news for all of the file fans. Several of the episodes should go back online on iTunes and we are doing a new radio ohow of the files that will feature old and new material. That SHOULD materialize in the next few weeks. Radio moves very slowly – but they are good people at PRI
Hooray! That is good news. I just discovered the TF when I heard 30 minutes of one episode on NPR and can’t find it anywhere. It really inspired me and I want to hear the whole thing. Thanks for doing what you do!
I noticed a lot of people have been requesting the old episodes. You can listen to all the episodes here: http://ip.podcast-directory.co.uk/podcasts/the-tobolowsky-files-212326.html
Just click the episode you want to listen then click the play-button. You can also save the files as mp3′ s on your computer if you right click on the black screen where you can listen to the podcast and then choosing “Save as”
Anton…thank you for more ways to get the Tobolowsky Files.
No problem Stephen. It isn’t my website or anything like that. I just found it by Google search. By the way I have a great idea Stephen. How about you do a live show here in Finland? I know you have fans over here. I’ve never met them even though this country is very small but I’m sure they’re out there somewhere!
Yours cordially, Anton
I heard episode 28 on NPR last night and wanted to revisit the part about the Talmud and Afflictions of Love. I listened on itunes, however it seemed to be edited, as I recall the radio broadcast including lines that weren’t played on itunes. Am I correct? If so, where can I hear the full, unedited story?
Dear Karen, here is a bad answer. They BOTH are the unedited story. The story on NPR is newer so it has changes…some things cut some things added. This story is going to be in my new book. It will probably have new things cut and added. I like the new version (radio) better now…I just re edited it and it makes sense to me…but the older version is vital to my understanding as well
Will there be any more chapters of the T files? I sure hope so.
Also, any chance of bringing your stage version to Chicago? I could help fill the room for you.
Like others here, I found the podcast due to your Groundhog Day connection. Enjoying it very much! Speaking of GHD, someone captioned some of your scenes with lines from Breaking Bad. http://www.fark.com/comments/8098268/88796873#c88796873
With Bryan Cranston’s character gone, maybe the show could continue with a new lead.
[…] and I have listened to most of Stephen Tobolowsky’s body of audio work on car trips back and forth to Vancouver BC and Snoqualmie Summit. For me, his work has the […]
[…] or as Dana calls it Middle Earth. For more on those near misses check out his excellent podcast The Tobolowsky Files. And now for my favorite segment, bizarre history. Sometimes it's conspiracy, sometimes urban myth, […]
[…] storyteller/actor stephen tobolowsky brings his radio show/podcast the tobolowsky files to the bell house. $15 adv, $18 dos. […]
Mr. Tobolowsky,
I had found your podcast through /Filmcast, and just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy listening to your stories. You are a truly gifted storyteller. Your stories make me laugh and think and reflect…they are wonderful. I respect you not only as an actor, but as a writer as well.
I’m a writer myself (teacher by day). I’ve written screenplays and now trying prose. I have to tell you, you’re as inspiring as the other authors I admire.
The movie “Stephen Tobolowsky’s Birthday Party” was also great to watch & listen.
if you ever bring “The Tobolowsky Files” to New Jersey, I will certainly attend and tell all of my friends to join me! Do you think your show will ever come to NJ?
thank you.
[…] Yesterday, I listened to an advice podcast called Big Ideas by Dave Chen and Stephen Tobolowsky. For those of you who aren’t familiar with either of the two names, Mr. Tobolowsky is a ubiquitous character actor. He also happens to be an intelligent and insightful human being. I know this from listening to his other podcast The Tobolowsky Files. […]
[…] Day, among almost-countless other roles), Stephen also greatly enjoys telling stories either with his podcast or through the written […]
[…] Recorded at the Moore Theatre here in Seattle, the film is a showcase of Tobolowsky’s podcast and stage show, with a bit of explanatory bits bookending the performance. The director and the […]
I just finished listening to the Open Heart Surgery trilogy. I wanted you ti know that I was moved by the 2nd episode when you described being in the ICU. I had my thyroid removed in March 2014, and had complicatiobs during rhe procedure and had to be in the ICU for 2 days. No one has captured the experience of “time” in the ICU better. It reminded me of my experiences and comforted me that what I experienced was notmal. So thank you! And thank you for all of The Tobolowsky Files. They are truly remarkable!
So, this morning I was headed out on a run and looked over my podcast list for something to listen to. Already heard the week’s “Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me”. Maybe “This American Life?” Or “WTF”? Hold on! It shows a new Tobolowsky Files. Can that be real? Maybe it’s another random old episode download from iTunes. OK, I’ll check it out. Sure enough, the TF is back! Stephen, it was great to hear your voice again. I’ll look forward to upcoming episodes. And congratulations on your continued success in show biz!
[…] The Tobolowsky Files – Hosted by Stephen Tobolowsky, this is a series of short stories about life, love and the entertainment industry. Many of them are stories from his childhood, and they totally draw me in. […]
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AL ! How are you! You were the only man in the Sammy house that had heat. That room of yours was 90 degrees.
What a joy to have the Tobolowsky Files back! Any chance of coming to Phoenix on your book tour or a speaking engagement? (Fingers are crossed!)
Phoenix isn’t in this swing. I have to start shooting soon. Simon and Schuster just put a few stops together to launch the book. More cities will come up in the future. So my fingers cross too.
Hi Stephen, We are all big fans of you in general, but the Tobolowsky Files are a fixture for family road trips–we’re up to college visits now, so we would love a couple of new episodes. Are there any episodes after 2017, and if so, how do we find them? Also, are you still doing story telling appearances? We’d love to come and see you!
Hope you & your family are well–
Dear Stephen.
You won me when you were buck naked wearing a red hat and praying to God. Did He hear you? How could he miss you?
I never desired to meet a movie star until I read your book. Now I want to meet Ann Hearn. Just kidding. I am a pastor in Medellin, Colombia who almost died of heart problems and also cried in the shower. And I have hunted for adventures with God (Safest Place on Earth-Amazon). And I am a year younger so it is good to have have coffee with older people to make me feel there is a buffer between now and death.
My wife and I just dined with the Medellin’s only Rabbi and his wife. Orthodox as Moses. And they are helping me be a better lover of Jesus. Pastoring can detour me from that.
Please write more. You are a good actor but a great writer. If ever in Florida or Colombia, let me know and I will buy you lunch or expresso. Thank God for your amazing life.