Stephen Tobolowsky is one of the leading character actors today. He has appeared in over 200 movies and television shows. Here is the list: Stephen Tobolowsky at IMDB for credits.
He has played everything from Ned Ryerson in Groundhog Day to Sandy Ryerson in Glee. He has appeared almost naked as Stu Beggs on Californication and has worn the same suit for seven years as Principal Earl Ball on The Goldbergs. Stephen currently appears as Dr. Leslie Berkowitz in the new generation remake of Norman Lear's One Day at a Time. Seasons 1-3, at present, are still available on Netflix. PopTV and CBS aired Season 4. Hopes are high for more episodes as soon as safe filming practices can be set in the pandemic era!
Please read here for the One Day at a Time journey.
Stephen has always been a storyteller. In sixth grade he won his school’s storytelling contest and over that summer won the award as best storyteller in the City of Dallas (13 years old and under division.) That impulse led him into writing. He wrote the screenplay for True Stories with David Byrne and Beth Henley.
He wrote and performed his storytelling films Stephen Tobolowsky's Birthday Party and The Primary Instinct.
His labor of love has been The Tobolowsky Files, created with producer David Chen. What began as a behind-the-scenes movie podcast has become a sometimes funny, sometimes compelling portrait of a human life - as described by Miles McNutt here.
“The Tobolowsky Files” is available at tobolowskyfiles.com and on Apple Podcasts. Early episodes were also previously broadcast on KUOW 94.9 in Seattle, on WFPL in Louisville, KY and many stations through Public Radio International (PRI).
He has two books of stories published by Simon & Schuster: The Dangerous Animals Club and My Adventures with God.
Steven Levy at Framework Entertainment
(310) 858-0333
David Rose at Innovative Artists
(310) 553-5200
Jud Laghi (Literary) at Jud Laghi Agency
(718) 285-0798
Calvin Spiker (Autograph Shows)
(908) 875-5516
Speaking Engagements:
Please contact me at [email protected]
Dear Mr. Tobolowsky,
As a fellow KUOW chatsmith and a great fan of your work, I’d like to invite you to appear on my award-winning series, The High Bar (http://thehighbar.tv) when you are in Seattle early next year.
The High Bar was just picked up by PBS regionally (KBTC) and by UWTV, the nationally-acclaimed television branch of the University of Washington. Together, these outlets will deliver The High Bar into nearly 3 million more homes.
On each episode of The High Bar, an artist, author, activist or filmmaker joins us to raise a toast to and raise the bar for a subject about which she or he is passionate whether it be Jodie Foster examining mental health, Morgan Spurlock analyzing product placement, Miranda July exploring connectivity, Tom Shadyac demystifying a better world, Susie Bright extolling erotic literacy or Booker Prize winner Howard Jacobson expounding on the virtues and pitfalls of… being Jewish. We would love for you to visit The High Bar to raise the bar for… character acting… or neck injuries… being psychic?
If you truly are the latter – whether you deny it or not — you should already realize what a wonderful opportunity this is and what a compelling conversation we will enjoy.
So, whattayasay, Tobo? Will you visit The High Bar in January?
Hope all is swell,
Warren Etheredge
Founder, The Warren Report
Host, The High Bar
1752 NW Market St #118
Seattle WA 98107
Dear Warren
I would love to be on your show. I have a scheduling hitch in that I was just signed to do a couple of “Justified”s and it may cut my Seattle visit short – I am shooting that week. When I get the shooting schedule I will figure out when I can come up and we can do the show. I was planning on doing a couple of workshops in Seattle when I come so I may have to reschedule all of the meetings until after the shoot – or before maybe?
Thanks for getting back to me, Tobo.
Should I presume that you will still be in Seattle on january 7th and 8th regardless of the JUSTIFIED schedule?
I need to lock down my crew for the day and we are building it around your availability primarily, so any insight would be greatly appreciated. Please feel free to contact me directly via my e-address.
Incidentally, any preference as to what you will raise the bar for in our conversation?
See you soon?
Dear Warren I have requested a shooting schedule. If possible I would like to come in early so Saturday before the performance isn’t crazy. Also it would help is I don’t have to leave early Sunday. I will let you know as soon as they tell me. Stephen Tobolowsky
Mr Tobolowsky, ground hog day is having a 20th reunion on Feb 1st 2012. We would like to invite you and any one else involved in the movie to the reunion. We are planning a weekend of fun things to celebrate the special day. Please let me know if you will be able to attend. Thank you Susan Kazmierski and extra in the movie.
Dear Mr. Tobolowsky,
Thank you for sharing your beautiful story in “The Santa Crisis.”
I really enjoyed it.
And, I have one minor question.
I wonder whether there was any reason for your cute name, “stepidoors.”
Thank you in advance.
ANy chance you’ve determined your schedule for this weekend and whether of not you have 45 minutes to an hour to spare to appear on our show, The High Bar (http://thehighbar.tv) while you are in Seattle?
Hope all is swell,
Warren Etheredge
just heard your story exposition on KUOW- the light of creation- how can I hear it or read it again?
Hi Susan,
You can hear the story on iTunes (search podcasts category for The Tobolowsky Files) or go to http://www.slashfilm.com/tobolowsky-files-ep-51-light-first-day/ (both free)
Or if you can wait until Sept. 11, it will be included in the stories in The Dangerous Animals Club and you can read it in print. (Pre-order here: http://www.amazon.com/Dangerous-Animals-Club-Stephen-Tobolowsky/dp/1451633157
Best wishes,
Mr. Tobolowsky, Will you be signing copies of your book similar to DVD copies of your movie? My wife and I are huge fans, she got me a signed copy of your DVD last year and I’d love to return the favor with her upcoming birthday by giving her a signed copy of your book. Thanks, and keep up the great story telling!
Jon, check the Appearances tab up above to see scheduled book signings that I have confirmed so far. If you aren’t near any of those cities, you can order from my website under The Dangerous Animals Club tab (but it’s more because I have to pay for the shipping, tax, etc.). Hope that helps, I’d love to sign one for you.
Dear Mr. Tobolowsky,
We host a monthly show at the Upright Citizens Brigade Theater that is also recorded as a podcast called Before You Were Funny (BeforeYouWereFunny.com). We’d love to have you as a guest at one of our upcoming shows. If you’re interested, is it possible for you to email us at tremendosaur-at-gmail-dot-com or DM us at @BYWFpodcast on twitter? Thanks so much, it would be an honor to have you do the show!
Jacob and Justin
Dear Jacob and Justin
Sounds great. Count me in. I am very busy now with the release of the book. We will find some time.
Sounds great! In addition to our regular shows, we’ve also got a few special episodes coming up including one at Google for TED talks and one in San Francisco as part of Sketchfest. Is there an email we can send some more information to? You can also contact us at tremendosaur-at-gmail-dot-com. Looking forward to having you on the show whenever scheduling allows!
Jacob and Justin
Dear J and J I am at stephentobolowsky@gmail… ST
I was just watching the episode of Deadwood called “Amateur Night.” Your imitation of a baby bird had me rolling on the ground! That little moment was perfectly matched to the comedic tone of the series, silly as it was. Hope all is well!
I was at your book signing in Austin at Book People. It was great to see you tell your stories in person. I was too nervous to say anything when you were signing my book but I wanted to say thank you for the Tobowlosky Files. I listen to quite a few Podcasts and many of them including yours make me laugh however the Tobolowsky Files stands apart because it’s the only one that has made me feel true joy and made me cry. Sometimes in the same episode. I’ve been listening from your first appearances on the /Filmcast and it has been amazing to watch the show grow. I wish you the best of luck with the radio show and the book and I’m so excited for a larger audience to get a chance to hear your stories.
Thank you for your post; it means so much to me that the podcast has had a positive effect. It’s so heartening to know that when we’ve thrown these stories out into the darkness, there are people out there like you to appreciate them. – Stephen
I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed your piece in Slate about your experiences in the 7th grade. It was superb.
Thank you Doug.
Stephen Tobolowsky,
Who knew? Monday browsing the biography/memoir stacks at the local bookstore here in Midland, Texas, I discovered your The Dangerous Animals Club. Sat down Tuesday evening and here it is Wednesday morning before dawn and I have finished reading it in one sitting. Last book I read in one sitting was Scalzi’s Redshirts (sci-fi genre) last June. Bravo!
Pulled my 1969 Excalibur off the shelf and Claire Richards and you were voted Most Likely to Succeed your senior year at Kimball HS. Well the Kimball Knights surely hit the target dead on naming you Most Likely to Succeed. It has been a delight these past decades watching your success in film and television. And now you write, and write very well. Warms my heart as a retired CPA who now teaches college and high school English and knows good writing when I see it. Any idea of whether Claire Richards succeeded in her journey through this life as predicted back in 1969?
So when can we expect your next book? And for the record, were I to see you in some public space these past forty years I would have recognized you and known your name. After all you were our star Debater for Mrs. Curtis and all of us forensic types those high school years. Got a photo of you, Linda Ruth, my debate partner Bob Barrar, and myself in my files. I think it was taken at the Bellaire HS speech tournament in the fall of 1968. Yeah, you had all your hair then, but you still look like a Tobolowsky even now.
And my students know who you are as well. On the afternoons of days they sit through all the high-stakes State tests all morning, as their minds are mush by midday, I show them the pilot episode of The Pretender. My students are impressed that I once went to high school with a real Hollywood film and television actor. Hey, I am impressed.
But what delighted me the most in The Dangerous Animal Club was the skillful manner you weaved an uplifting subtext of spirituality, clearly affirming what it means to be truly human as we journey through our days. Relationships, for all their messiness at times, are what we must treasure to live well. So keep on writing. Oh, next time, tell us more about Ann and those two sons.
And may the callbacks keep coming, sir. Should I make it to my 80s you had better still be showing up in film and television. Male actors may not retire; you do know that, right?
Thank you for your talent, art, and writing. May God bless you and yours.
Gary Randall Willis, CPA
Kimball Class of 1970
Midland College English Instructor
Midland Senior High English Educator
Midland, Texas
Dear Gary
Hooray that you liked the book! Thank you! I talked to Claire recently. She is teaching economics and math in Abu Dhabi. Pause. Yes. She lived in Salt Lake and Provo for a while. She worked in economics and as an administrator of Children’ Miracle Network. Now she is riding camels in the the Middle East (she joked about the riding camels. In truth she said she climbed up on one for a photo op.) Next book starts in January…the writing not the selling…Yikes.
Mr. Tobolowsky
A week or so ago, I was turned on to your book and the podcast. You are SUCH a great storyteller, thank you so very much for sharing with all of us. I have been a fan of your work for years, but had really never thought much about the real life side of being an actor. Constantly having to prove yourself via auditions etc, being subject to critical favor just to make a living, and the long periods of down time…had never really thought of that. Not quite the glamor many of us imagine. Thanks for sharing that and quite a bit of yourself.
I would love to see you here in Las Vegas, if you ever have a show or reading here. If not, I should just drive the 4ish hours over to LA to see one of your events there.
Thanks so much for the entertainment and joy over the years. Bless you!
Jeff Weiler
Stephen – Greetings of the New Year! I just placed an order for another book. I finished “DAC” over the Holidays – I laughed, I cried, and as they try to coach you when you rent a car from Enterprise Leasing, “if the Customer Service Department surveys you, please tell them that you are ‘completely satisfied'”, I was “completely satisfied”. The second book is for Cate’s 25th b-day, which is February 2 – I know – Groundhog Day. We watch “Groundhog Day”, the movie every year, now how fun is that? She’s definitely a fan. Best of everything to you and your family in 2013.
I heard your segment on KERA last night – The Afflictions of Love. As soon as it was over I immediately started searching for an audio file to post on FB or send to a few friends. Can’t find this one anywhere! Is it in iTunes and I’m missing it? Help!
Obviously, it was exactly what I needed to hear last night. I was driving home and actually pulled over to listen.
Dear Donna
It should stream live for the next two weeks through KERA. You should be able to hear its on demand through the station. That’s my info.
Okay, I’ll try this again. Mr. Tobolowsky, The High Bar (http://thehighbar.tv) is ready to come to you. We will be taping in LA in just a couple of weeks and would like to have you appear on the program. Other notables taping episodes while we are in town include: Amy Brenneman, Illeana Douglas, Diane Farr and SAG-AFTRA co-prez Ken Howard. Won’t you please join me for a half-hour conversation to raise a toast to… (insert passion of your choice here).
See you soon?
Dear Warren
It sounds good. I will be back from New York Feb.19. I will be in LA for a while after that.
Excellent! We could host you on the 20th or 21st, ideally. Would you please, please send me your direct contact info to warren at thewarrenreport dotcom?
Sorry I missed you, never heard back. Are you still in NYC? If so, how long will you be here for? Please msg me on FB or at [email protected] to schedule the interview we spoke about.
Dear Stephen,
I am a great fan of your work and the tobolowsky files are a joy to listen to, I was wondering if you ever come to England at all that I might get a signed book ?
Many thanks
Dear Jon. I will be in England in July. I think i have three performances scheduled so far. London, north in Edale, and the latitudes Festival. More later! And yes I will sign.
You ought to take part in a contest for one of the best blogs on the net.
I’m going to highly recommend this website!
Enjoyed seeing you tonight on SoCal Connected! Have to get the book, and I hope if I ever see you on the street I will be able to say “yes! I know who you are.” Now I have to check out the podcast.
Possibly 20 years ago, our paths crossed late one night at the Studio City Kinko’s. Alas, it wasn’t a clandestine rendezvous by the copy machine. It was simply a “moment,” one that stuck with me.
I addressed you by name (as opposed to any other method) and you were impressed that I actually knew your name. But it was I who was impressed… with your effortless and seamless acting. It’s nice to see that so many years later, the world has caught on and you’re succeeding even more. It’s quite an accomplishment to earn your living as a creative, thoughtful and intelligent person in this crazy business. Perhaps one day our paths will cross again, and you will know my name.
Hi, I’ve been wondering for a while now what happened to the 1st 49 episodes of The Tobolowsky files. Are those available anywhere?
Hi Omar,
Good news! The older files are back! New ones to come in next few weeks.
From David Chen: Subscribe here to download the 33 most recent episodes
First 24 eps on sale here:
Hi Stephen,
I have been listening to the Tobo-files since the beginning. Many of your episodes I have listened to on repeat I think my favorite is the “zen story.” I am an actor in new york and I find your stories to be life affirming and full of wisdom to guide me at times when I am searching for purpose. I think of you as a mentor and guru even though I have never met you. I suppose many people feel that way about you. For all of these reasons you popped into my head as a person I could turn to in a time of self-reflection.
It is occurring to me in this new year that I want to sharpen my focus and my goals.I thought a good approach would be to write a mission statement for myself both for my personal life and my career so that I have something specific to strive for in all of my work. The ultimate hope being that I will have a guide to know whether I am accomplishing my goals and that I may at times get some satisfaction out of progress.
So my question is: Do you have a mission statement?
I wish you a happy and healthy new year! I hope to hear from you. As always I look forward to your next episode.
Meredith Lark
Meredith what a great and tricky question. Several answers come to mind. I will give you all of them in the order I thought of them.
1.No. No mission statement. I write my stories and try to make them as truthful as possible. I audition for TV and Movies. Occasionally a play or a voice over as they come my way.
2.But within that I DO have a mission statement. I will try to always do my best. Sometimes we don’t functioning at a high level. Sometimes we miss opportunities. Sometimes we don’t tell the truth. The mission statement is to be honest about the mistakes and failures and see if they can be corrected. For example: I used to be able to learn lines at the drop of a hat. I have noticed since I started writing…I can’t do that anymore. Either it is a function of age or a function of tuning into the writer brain a lot…words swim on me more than they used to. It is part of my mission statement to understand this weakness and adapt. To do my best.
3.I try not to waste time…that is my current mission statement
There are all three. I move from a to b to c…depending on the weather. Thank you for listening…and for liking the Zen Story.
Thank you for your thoughtful response!
Dear Mr. Tobolowsky.
My name is Mark Samual Bonanno, and I am one third of Australian sketch group Aunty Donna.
I’m writing to say hello and just to mention that we’re all huge fans of your work (in particular your role in Chris Nolan’s Memento – man that movie changed my tiny fifteen-year-old life!).
In about a week we are heading up your way to the San Francisco Sketchfest where we’ll be opening for The Dana Gould Hour on the night you’re appearing. We would love the opportunity to catch up with you, buy you a coffee, and pick your brain on comedy in the US.
Here is a link to our youtube channel in case you would like to check out what we do.
Thanks for taking the time to read this and I look forward to chatting more soon.
Kind Regards,
Mark Samual Bonanno, Aunty Donna
Dear Mark and Aunty Donna
Hello. So good to hear from you! Sounds good…Brain picking is fine but have to go with beer at that hour.
Dear Mr. Tobolowsky,
Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to speak to The Texas A&M University SWAMP Club tonight. You presented me with invaluable information. I was the kid that asked you what you felt your “big break” was. The story you told about the miscommunication across languages was hysterical. As an actor and a writer it would be an incredible honor if you would to watch my 6 minute comedic short that featured in the Texas Independent Film Felstival this passed weekend. I know you are a busy man and I totally understand if you do not check it out. But, if you do it would mean more to me than I can possibly describe using the limits of the English language. Here is the link! http://youtu.be/U8_2LPc0x14. Thank you again for speaking with me and the Aggie SWAMP club.
Steele Stephens
Watching Wild Hogs…laughing my a** off! After listening to hours of your podcasts I feel like you’re a friend in a movie. I will say that you have rejiggered my view of the idealized view I had of character actors. I always thought that might be the most normal way one could earn a living in the movie business. After hearing your stories, I’m not so sure..
Dear Stephen –
I grew up in Dallas in the 1960s and spent many a magical weekend with my cousins at my grandparents’ house in Oak Cliff, so really enjoyed your mentions of Kiest Park, Mrs. Baird’s Bread, etc. I wonder if Icky Twerp, Wee St. Andrews, the State Fair, and the Marsalis Zoo (with its gorgeous flamingo lagoon and tragic imprisoned lions) loomed as large in your childhood as they did mine. If so, perhaps they might feature in a future story? Whether they do or not, I want you to know I have thoroughly enjoyed every minute of every episode, and that you have inspired me to try to get our own family stories written down for posterity.
Warmest regards,
Ginger Smith
Dear Mr. Tobolowsky,
My name is Hannah Levine and I live in Mt. Vernon, Washington. I am sixteen years old. My dad and I first began listening to your files as we drove home from Sunday school (we are jewish). That’s where my dad first became a huge fan. Since then, he has heard you speak in Seattle and my brother recently met you and got a signed copy of your new book for him for Father’s Day. (He loves your book!). On the fifteenth of July, my dad (Rick Levine) turned fifty. For a birthday present I have been writing a book of memories and pictures. One of the things I am doing is having some of his friends write a few words about him. It would mean the world to the both of us if you could send me an inspirational saying for his next fifty years that I could add in as a surprise. My email is [email protected].
Thanks so much! I look forward to hearing from you.
Hannah Levine
Dear Stephen Tobolowsky,
I started listening to your podcast a couple a months ago and I have been completely hooked ever since. I’m deeply saddened to have only four episodes left before I’m all caught up (can’t wait for more). I’m writing to say that your episode about Paris with Beth inspired me to start writing about my own disasterous travels. If I ever finish I’ll make sure to give you a shout out. Hoping that everything is going great for you and yours,
While you’re in Dallas for the USA Film Festival, the Dallas Jewish Historical Society would love to record an Oral History interview with you. We have your Dad’s and Paul’s already and would be honored to make it a Tobolowsky Trifecta. Any chance?
Here is the link to your dad’s interview: http://www.generationslestweforget.com/narratives/veteran-memories/world-war-2/tobolowsky-md-dave/
Debra Polsky
Executive Director
Dallas Jewish Historical Society
Hello Stephen Tobolowsky;
My name is Lilie and I listened to the Nerdist podcast interview you did, which led me to the Tobolowsky Files and the Big Problems podcast; all of which I inhaled, inspired and breathed out with a deep sense of gratitude, and so I write to thank you. I have been perpetually moved, motivated and inspired by your podcasting, writing, acting and storytelling. I connected on a deep level with your words; but more especially with your honesty, your ability to stand transparently in your experience; giving a voice to the true human experiences we don’t always share and gently but constantly reiterating the importance of our individual human experiences interlocking and interweaving into the indescribable and mysterious lives we share.
The unembellished statements of how you felt facing let’s say rejection adorn the mystical overtone of your blog; we don’t know everything about our lives at once/
Today I am filled with gratitude and am writing to express my thanks; I went through a deep period of darkness this spring and felt very isolated in the feeling. I remember you saying, someone asked you when the last time was you felt doubt, and you responded “how about today?” and I understood in my mind I was not alone. And I understood that this doubt that is my own might look at me and say ‘how about tomorrow?’ and very likely would be present every day. Simultaneously I stood under the weight of knowing the doubt would never leave, but it is my work not to feed it, not to fatten it up, not to name it, blame it or make it legendary.
I listen to the Tobo files all the time; I always wanted to be an artist , but filled my life with safer options and the unsafe knee-jerk rebelling against that undesired life path, until, a couple of years ago, I chose to try to be the thing I wanted to be. This life project i called Something Lighter; as a constant focus for my work and myself. And even though I am more fulfilled than ever, the shadow of doubt grew at the same rate; and it is increasingly important that I recognize its million masks and learn to tame my constant companion; I turn to your podcast for inspiration and for a grounded and soothing change of perspective. I feel that i am not alone in this battle when i listen in and It reminds me to be present, to be grateful and to work (despite doubt, despite fear). To do something. To show up. That we don’t know how this particular piece fits in our life-sized jigsaw.
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
Lilie Emblem
SOMETHING LIGHTER (www.somethinglighter.com)
Hi Stephan,
I came to your talk last night at IAFT in Burbank. I was the bald guy with the beard & multiple questions, standing in the back..(I introduced myself afterward). I am not a student there but a working actor and voiceover talent that just moved here from NY. Although I’m 49, I continue to try to learn something from everyone I come across in this business. I thoroughly enjoyed all of your information that you shared. Last night I asked if you still teach and I am looking forward to next year when you (again), have the time. Please relay where I can get information on that. Congrats on “Silicon Valley” and continued success! Thanks very much!!
Peter D. Michael
I saw you at the Hot Springs Documentary Film Festival and spoke with you briefly after the opening screening of your film, “The Primary Instinct”. The film hit a strong chord in my being and I wept more than a few times during the screening. It was so vivid for the imagination. I was the gentleman from Midlothian. You mentioned to me about your time spent there with a writing friend, back in the day. I wanted to write you and let you know I am praying for your family through this tragic time of losing your family member, Ira. I can’t imagine the pain, anger, and sadness you all must be feeling. They will catch those punks and send them away forever. Justice will prevail. God bless you and keep your head high.
Texas will hunt them down.
Hello, my name is Rianna and I live in Midwest City, OK and I’m sitting on my back porch watching the storms begin to roll in and listening to the birds make plans to take cover together while finishing your most recent episode. I will be seeing you in Tulsa on the 19th so I’m not sure what possessed me to write this to you now when (I hope) I’ll be getting the joy of talking to you face to face in the near future. However, I just had to write and say thank you for your stories. They bring me joy, peace of mind while taking my imagination to new and wonderful – and sometimes sad and contemplative – places. No one is perfect or knows everything, as you have said. While there are horrible realities that come with that truth, there is beauty in it as well. And there is such beauty in your stories and in how you look at life and treat the people in it. So again, thank you for the slice of joy you bring to my life. It always usually comes at just the time I most needed it. Hope to get to thank you in person.
Xo Rianna
I thank you for the lovely letter. I am thinking about those big storms rolling through. They are no joke!! I’m glad my stories can make them a little more tolerable.
I will certainly see you in Tulsa. Please come and say hello and remind me of your letter and the storms!!
Hi…Al Blyveis from SMU. Email me some time. I live in Las Vegas and would like to chat with you.
Hello Mr. Tobolowsky,
I am a big fan of you. Especially, I like your movie Garfield very very much and I like Mr. Happy Chapman a lot. My Name is Adem, I am 10 Years old and I would like to ask kindly ask you if you can send me a photo with your signing “For Adem…” either to my postal address (which I will send you once you confirm my request) or to my email address.
I would be very happy if you could fulfill my wish.
I am looking Forward to your Response.
Kind Regards
Adem Yavuzyilmaz
Adem, write me at [email protected] with your address and how you want a picture signed.
Just watched Groundhog Day for the… (well, I’ve lost count). I happened to listen to the commentaries that went along with the DVD, enjoyed all of them, and no question, Harold Ramis is a genius. That said (and please don’t take this the wrong way !;), your insights into your role, and the film in general, were really amazing and illuminating, stuff I never would have thought of. Thanks for your work, and enriching this amazing collaborative art form for all of us.
Hi Mr. Tobolowsky,
I was so excited to see that the Tobolowsky Files was back AND that you have a new book! I spent most of my day yesterday, listening to the new one. Thank you so much for all of your stories. I hope someday to see you perform live. You really are continuing this wonderful tradition of storytelling that reminds me so much of Spalding Grey (whom I did get to see once!). Maybe some day you’ll find a reason to come up to Edmonton Canada to tell some more of your stories.
Anyhow, thank you for your stories! They make me feel many things, including hope — since you seem to also be someone who ends up in the strangest and most random situations (breaking your neck, getting held hostage…). Please don’t ever stop! I really value what you are putting out into the world. Those of us who listen, are very lucky indeed.
Much love from Canada,
long-time listener,
Dear Mr. Tobolowsky,
I agree wholeheartedly with your assertion that Allan Sherman’s “Here’s To The Crabgrass” is a snapshot of a particular time and place. I’m guessing I’m around your age, and when I hear the song now I feel nostlagia and sorrow for the lost world of suburbia. Its time hs passed.
Sherman came of age in post-war America, when a ranch home in Levittown was the ultimate goal. Even then, Sherman saw how hollow that dream was; indeed, today suburban malls are closing left and right, and Millennials are beginning to repopulate cities.
As for Sherman’s educational influence, when I originally listened to “When I Was A Lad” it made me curious to know what a ‘Phi Beta Kappa key’ was, (a reference he also used in ‘Good Advice’)
And just as every three year old male today is named Liam, it was Sherman who pointed out how common my own first name is for Baby Boomers:
“We’ll call him Barry, Barry, that’ll be the baby’s name
. . .and if he’s not a he, it still could be, like in Barrie Chase.”
I had to ask my parents who Barrie Chase was (a dancer who appeared on TV with Fred Asatire).
One more point about suburbia: you may enjoy a coffee table book I recently purchased, “Designed For Hi Fi Living: The Vinyl LP In MidCentury America” By Janet Borgerson and Jonathan Schroeder. It features hundreds of LP covers that purported to teach 1950s suburbanites how to entertain, what kind of mood music to play at home, and exotic places to visit – at least via the hi-fi set in your wood paneled rumpus room. I have no doubt the couple in “Here’s To The Crabgrass” owned these records.
Barry Mitchell
I just wanted to thank you for your book, “My Adventures With God.” Quite a while ago I heard you talk about it on the radio (Fresh Air on NPR, I think) and put it on my Amazon wish list. I finally got it and just finished reading it about five minutes ago. I wasn’t really anticipating much other than an interesting story about your life, but God dropped it into my hands at the perfect time. My father isn’t in the best of health and your book provided a comfort that I hadn’t anticipated or even really knew I needed. Thank you for the glimpse into your life and the timely encouragement. God bless.